Random thoughts

August 28, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — by laurenvw @ 1:33 pm

Staying motivated can be one of the most difficult things about any project and/or endeavor.  In the beginning, there is usually an excitement about starting a new project and all the benefits that can come from said project can really pump you up and make you enthusiastic.  At the end, it’s a matter of having the end in sight and knowing that if you’ve worked this long, surely you can make that last sprint to the finish line.  It’s the middle that’s terrible.  When you’ve been working for a while, but the end is still far down  the path.  How to get past that?  Of course it’s different for everyone.  But remind yourself of all the reasons you were so excited at the beginning.  And the glow of accomplishment at the end of a project that gets bogged down in the middle seems so much more intense than easy-going projects.

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